Size: SS

Year released: 1987

Code on box: ???

Price: ¥980

Quintuplets is a set of five baby bunnies from Chiiko’s family. Their names are:

Poppo (ポッポ) (top left, male) (ムニャムニャもうちっと、ねむらせて!”Let me sleep a little longer!”)

Puko (プコ) (bottom center, male) (ボク、たっちできるんでしゅ、えらいでしょう!”I can stand on my own, isn’t that great?”)

Pyoko (ピョコ) (top right, female) (わたしハイハイがじょうぜしょう!”I can crawl just fine!”)

Paruru (パルル) (bottom right, female) (うふふっ!くすぐっちゃいやよ! “Whoo-hoo! I’m ticklish!”)

Perara (ペララ) (bottom left, female) (すてきなスカート早くはきたいの!”I can’t wait to wear my nice skirt!”)

They go along with playset Come See My Babies!