This was a telephone line (phone number 03-250-3999) that you could call to listen to various stories about these characters. Each day was one particular story, which would change and sometimes repeat on a certain schedule. Launched August 1, 1986 it lasted through at least the end of March 1987.


The below are various stories available on different days in March 1987:


  1. Monta’s Big Scandal (モンタ先生の大事件)
  2. Wei’s Focus Case (ウエイのフォーカス事件 )
  3. Ratton’s Episode (ラットンさんのエピソード)
  4. Letty’s Engagement Press Conference (レティ先生、婚約記者会見)
  5. Airi’s New Semester (アイリーの新学期)
  6. Lemon’s Diet Strategy (レモンのダイエット作戦)