Was Sylvanian Families released first?

Yes, Sylvanian Families were first released on March 20, 1985. 3-2 Class Mates were released in August 1985, and Maple Town Story’s Maple Friend series were released in February 1986.


What groups do each belong to?

Please see group listing here.


What information do you still need?

I am needing everything listed with a ??? including codes, blood types, birthdays, etc. Anything you do not see listed I would love to hear about. Please contact me at path@yanchagraffiti.com


A few specific questions I need answers to:

There is evidence of paper dollhouse sets in Taiwan. These look like the furoku included in magazines. Was this licensed to Taiwan?

Wave 2 of Dandelion Group shows Made in Korea instead of the usual Made in Japan, why was this switched?          

What was shown on the Kodomo TV show? I would love to see a recording.